Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Drove Today

Although the Alternator may be bad, I just realized today that something with the Fuse Relay Board is upsetting the car. I let the car run until it died down, and then shut the car off. I attempt to fire it up again, and it will not start, even after several attempts. So I move over to the Relay Board and wiggle it around a bit, give it a little thump, and then try and fire it up again, and it goes.

I was actually able to do this today, and I drove the car around the neighborhood and power held. A few minutes later I parked it back in my driveway and power began to deplete. The battery is holding good.

I did do the Relay Board Reconditioning procedure. Relay Board could be dirty again by now.

I took it out again, and I did not have any power loss. Tach sat at about 14. I drove it good down the street and everything. I am going to take it back out though and drive it long enough to see if it begins losing power. Is it possible that the power could be lost by sitting if a Relay or one of the wires is not functioning correctly?

In any case, I'm going to take the panel out again and clean it up, as well as everything else around it and see if I get any improvement.

Okay, I took the car out again and took a risk, going for about a 10 minute drive to the outskirts of town. No problems, seemed to have full power, and drove like the beast it is. I noticed what seemed to be a burning smell after about 5 minutes of driving, coming from the Engine Bay, but the bay is dirty, and I haven't driven it this fast in about a year.

So I don't know what's going on really. It loses power when it sits, but holds when driven. Either way, I'll replace the Alternator, and work with the Fuse Relay Board, and it should definitely show better results.